Saturday, March 05, 2005

Uhh...what day is it ?

Life has become living the next day...i am trapped in this vicious grid of stagnancy. Things arent moving & nor am I. Just living endlessly as if trying to survive with the premonition of annihilation,...that was too much, sounds like the sci-fi i am reading is taking its toll...

Eventless, waiting just waiting, on all fronts for i donno what & why. Hope floats they say. But i am not in even mildest melancholy. Just that theres nothing worthwhile occuring, since eons. Or may be it is & my consciousness cant feel it or may be its too gradual. Patience is a wise man's crown...but hey wise man what worth is a crown !!

May be i havent yet graduated from the school / college days where everything changes every six months. Perhaps I havent realised yet that i am in that part of life where i will be next 30 years or so, with changes frequenting at their leisure. It remains for me to figure out a way...something that gives a perma-solution.

Then again, i think its just my second mind (that which keeps working in the background, the one that keeps humming the same tune throughout the day, [term courtesy, Paulo Coelho, The Valkyries]) that is feeling this heat. The first seems to be having a ball, enjoying the work, enjoying the flat pulse, knowing there are a billion storms coming...

What day is it...who cares..?

Category [ _Unfiled_ ]


Niranjan Tulpule said...

30 years doing the same set of things? Thats a scary thought. I guess it is time to go back to school.

Parag said...

Yes nano, it is time to go back to school...