Friday, August 10, 2007

While in Rome..

I engage into this "look at this country" conversations with people often. Its not intentional, just happens. One thing that I have been observing...some people I know have changed, they have crossed over to the other side. Once they use to pick out the fallouts now they don't stop praising the pluses...

So here are few of the "kodak comments" if I may call them. Offcourse these are generalizations on the other side of the coin, and intended to be funny.

"It is like a nursery, and all its citizens are children. They like to play with toys."

"What happens when you give a bike to a kid, he rides it everywhere, even from one room to another. They are like that, they like to drive their cars around".

"Do you see that, its all shiny new everywhere. Be it cars, houses or even people. Thats what makes me sick."

"Everybody dresses in these funny clothes, they want to be part of the mob. You know why? I told you, they are children, they are afraid of being outcast"

"Immigrants that come here try to be like them, they don't want to look out-of-place. They suffer from an unconscious identity theft."

"I feel afraid when intelligent people come here. They dumb down with time."

"There is no such thing as a free market here. Its a choice, that never was."

"What do you mean by a American restaurant?"

"Even the well earning people live a hand-to-mouth existence."

"They have this unreasonable arrogance, even though they may be less educated and civilized than you, just because they think they are special for being born here."

I like this one:
"Peshwai karbhar aahe re sagla..."

I have just one thing to say "Why do as the Romans do? Screw the Romans.". But then I realize, why am I in Rome?


Sudeep said...

I feel afraid when intelligent people come here. They dumb down with time.
I liked this one :)

Sudeep said...

n u have a knack of creating blog headers :)
nice job..