Monday, October 01, 2007

Time, and again.

Summer was fun. Its been a month and a half since my school has resumed, and I have been juggling time. Its not that I'm short of it, I believe theres enough to do all possible things I can think of doing. But my context-switching is slow, time-division multiplexing isn't exactly my forte. Between two tasks there is considerable amount of time wasted in thinking about doing it, getting in the mood for it, and actually starting it. I would call it seek latency (there are always side-effects of technical education, but it feels good when you can relate things in this absurd manner, much to the dislike of many people!) or probably inertia, if you like. But I'm dealing with it, and things are looking...not that bad.

And off-course there is plain tp. I'm a royal tp-er. It takes more leisure time for me to "feel" a break from work, than would be required by most. That further reduces the productive time that I have. And then there are tons of other interests, or distractions if you look from the opposite perspective. Like writing this blog for example, I have a midterm coming up, an assignment due tomorrow is yet to be done, and here I'm, writing this stupid blog. So basically I'm a good time killer.

Putting fuel into the fire is the new found "socializing element". My roomies had been in town whole of summer, and the effects are showing. We have more people coming to our place in a day, than did in a month earlier. Every weekend is a over night party-party. Not that I'm complaining, socializing is the best thing you can do...sometimes, particularly when it is for the make-benefit of your roomies ;)

Amidst all the chaos, I'm feeling more positive than ever. Summer has taught me some things, it was fun.


Tushar said...

ditto! was thinking of writing about similar stuff from some time. Might end up writing it but I am sure it won't turn out this good:)

Parag said...

TNT < thats flattering, thanks :)

Tapasya said...

Nice post! You seem to be a devoted CS time, TDM, context-switching, latency and what not! OS le rakha hai kya is sem? :D

Royal Tp-er! Lol. Good one!

Gandalf said...

Fantastic. Keep it up bro. Socialize - You are good at it ;) And that way you will not 'intimidate' anyone :D

Anonymous said...

Man.. You have all the talent for being a successful 'Tech PJer'. Keep it up.. 'seek time' was the best. :))

Parag said...

ktk < these are the effects of your company, I'm trying hard, but you are the Jedi master :P

Natasha said...

Parag, you echo allll my sentiments, but i don't think i "socialize" as much :) point being we're all in the same rat race, so when you talk about juggling and context switching, i hear you bro! hehe

Think 4 more weeks and then...... it's time to go home :)